Net Racquet Club Code of Conduct
Rules & Guides

Respect for All:
Treat all members, guests, and staff with respect, fairness, and dignity.
Avoid any form of discrimination, harassment, or offensive behavior based on race, gender, age, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic.

Display good sportsmanship at all times, both on and off the court.
Embrace fair play, honesty, and integrity in all interactions.
Show respect for opponents, teammates, and officials, regardless of the outcome of a match.

Facility and Equipment Care:
Treat the club's facilities, including courts, pro shop, locker rooms, and common areas, with care and respect.
Report any damages or maintenance issues to the club staff promptly.
Handle the club's equipment and rental items responsibly and return them in the same condition as received.

Adherence to Rules and Policies:
Follow the club's rules, policies, and guidelines regarding court reservations, equipment usage, dress code, and safety regulations.
Comply with the club's policies on alcohol, tobacco, and any other substances prohibited on the premises.

Cooperation and Communication:
Foster a spirit of cooperation, teamwork, and inclusivity among members.
Communicate in a respectful and constructive manner when addressing concerns or conflicts.
Seek resolution through appropriate channels and avoid public confrontation.

Personal Accountability:
Take responsibility for your actions and behavior while representing the club.
Accept any consequences resulting from a violation of the code of conduct.

Community and Environmental Responsibility:
Respect the surrounding community by adhering to noise regulations, parking guidelines, and local ordinances.
Promote environmental sustainability by disposing of waste properly and conserving resources.

By adhering to this code of conduct, we create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for all members and guests at Net Racquet Club. Failure to comply with this code may result in disciplinary actions, including warnings, temporary suspension, or termination of membership.

Please note that this code of conduct is a guideline and may be subject to periodic revisions or additions as deemed necessary by the club management.

We appreciate your commitment to upholding these principles and contributing to a positive club experience for everyone involved.

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